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MotivateMe! Road Trip 2016
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Motivate Me! with Lynette Renda
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Motivate Me!
Welcome! Motivate Me! is an interactive podcast where the goal is to interview guests who have incorporated a passion into their lives in order for the listening audience to go out and do the same. Life gets busy and people get tired, but our goal is to help you live a life that is filled with more excitement, more meaning… more passion!
Lynette Renda, podcast host, writer, and keynote speaker.
Motivate Me!, Lynette Renda
Let Lynette Renda and 100 of her guests from the podcast Motivate Me! motivate you into living a life that is more exciting, more meaningful. One in which you incorporate a passion that makes you WANT to wake up in the morning. Read the histories of her guests, learn about the tools and techniques they utilized, and then get instruction on how to Envision, Explore, and Execute plans of your own.
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