Live from the Road: This is what happens when a podcast host on a 50-state tour sits down for a chat about comfort zones with a business owner and a self-published author!  Thank you, Marie Romano and T.L. Manning!

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Author T.L.Manning took a negative experience and, over time, turned it into a positive one. A self-published author of thirteen books, she implores you to do what makes you happy, despite the criticisms of others and any disappointments you may encounter.

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It was a special day of the trip when the Motivate Me! crew got to share Randolph Jones’ passion for sailing. Randolph is passionate about sailing Maine, and about sharing the traditional techniques of lobstering. Let him get you thinking about how you can balance what you love with what you need, and how you can work with your favorite people: family.

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Live from the Road: Questions for the crew with guest host Marie Romano from Serenity Falls HomeStay at Camden, ME. What’s the crew doing in Maine? What’s it like in Maine? Why is the tri-state area so intense compared to all of the other states? What questions does the crew’s Maine host have fort them? Also… lobster, lobster, lobster!

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Marie Romano from Serenity Falls HomeStay at Camden, ME, took the upheaval in her life as a sign that it was time to act on a dream. Superstorm Sandy, and other events, led Marie to a transition from New Jersey to Maine, from sadness to dreaming, from existing to excited. With one decision she changed her whole life… what decision can you make today that will change your perspective of the future? That will change your direction to one that excites you?

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Live from the Road: Marie Romano from Serenity Falls HomeStay at Camden, Maine, had no idea the impact her kindness and enthusiasm would have for the Motivate Me! 50 states in 90 days trip. Let this episode speak volumes about the power of giving and the importance of receiving.

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